In a perfect world, every photo we took would be great. But in the real world, we make mistakes. Especially if you shoot on your cell phone, you'll likely encounter a lot of problems with your images — and you might not even notice until long after they're shot. The fast way to deal with photo issues right on your phone is photo editing apps which are available for Android, iOS, and Windows. Here's a quick tour of app's features and samples. 1. AUTODESK PIXLR Features(autodesk pixlr) The autodesk pixlr is a very brilliant app for professional photo editing. I am using this app since 2 years and now whenever i edit my photos in basic condition i'm using pixlr. Google play store rating :- 4.4 * Unique features :- 1.HEAL 2.SPLASH 3.AUTO CONTRAST 4.BRIGHTEN 5.DARKEN 6.TEXT{watermark} Samples of editing by autodesk pixlr 1. Splash tool 2. Albert hall, Jaipur 3. Orange blister beetle 4. Auto fix (tige...
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